Hello there! Currently, I'm really into Flutter and I want to learn it inside out. I don't want to learn Flutter I want to be Flutter! So I thought this time a rough overview of all the topics would be nice so I have a rough structure to follow.
Flutter is not that old but already has many topics and subtopics to learn and master. Everyone knows the feeling when too much knowledge is overwhelming and you don't even begin to study or let it slip half the way. So my idea is to have a rough Roadmap at first that will evolve over time the further I get.
For all of you that are want to get into Flutter or currently getting into it, this first version of my Roadmap hopefully will help you.
Flutter Roadmap
How to read it
I don't want to make it very strict. Without thousands of arrows and lines. It should more serve as a guidance. You can read it from top to bottom where I tried to make suggestions on which topics to learn first. The topics are grouped and you can distinguish them by the colors.
Whats next
As I said above this Roadmap will evolve over time. As more I get into specific topics I will discover even more topics and subtopics. The end goal is to have a somehow perfect (at least to 99%) Roadmap for every upcoming Flutter Developer. If you have any suggestions for improvement please feel free to contribute to this Roadmap and drop a comment! I will upload it in my Github Account in the next days where I update it in the future.
When I'm finished I will announce it here.
Either you are an upcoming Flutter developer or interested to become one I hope you find this Roadmap and this approach to learn a topic helpful.
Stay connected to me and my content on Twitter.
I love to improve myself every single day even if it's just a tiny bit!
Stay safe and healthy guys!
And as always: develop yourself!